and Aram by Dana W. Reynolds
A young man walks in Saudi Arabia's Rub al-Khali (meaning "Empty Quarter") Desert in the south central area of the Arabian peninsula. |
“The tribe of Ad was descended from Ad, the son of Aws, the son of Aram, the son of Sem the son of Noah who after the confusion of tongues, settled in al Ahkaf or the winding sands in the province of Hadramaut, where his posterity greatly multiplied. Their first king was Shedad the son of Ad of whom the eastern writers deliver many fabulous things…” From The Koran, translation and notes by George Sale,” 1890, p.5.
Joseph and Asenath, and the Solymi Connection
Here might be
good point to speak of the story of Yusuf or Joseph, son of Jacob mentioned by
Ibn Abd Rabbih. This Yusuf or Asaf as he is also named in Arabic tales was in
the biblical story a man who lived in Canaan,
where his grandfather was from. His brothers had thrown him into a well and
then some “Midianites”, whom the Bible also calls “Ismailites” or children of
Ishmael, came along and lifted him from the well and then sold him to an
important person of a place called “Mitzraim”. As Salibi points out this Mizraim or
Mitzraim has been misinterpreted in western translations of the Bible as the
modern Egypt, when in fact it was likely an area in southwest Arabia either the
Misramah of the Asir region or some where else where the Azd tribes of Kahlan lived
and lived.
Asaf was associated with “Asiyyah” (meaning wild antelope or cow) who in Arab tradition is
called “the Israelite woman”. She is sometimes called Asiyya bayt Muzahhim. But
her traditional lineage or genealogy appears to makes her a descendant of the
Sulaim bin Mansur, a tribe of Qays Ailan ultimately from the Azd in Hijaz and Central
Arabia. And it was from Banu Sulaim the son of Mansur that descended “Ra’l, Zakwan, ‘Asiyyah ibn Khuyfaf ibn Imri’
Al- Qais ibn Buhthah ibn Sulaim and Za’b ibn Malik ibn Khufaf ibn Imri’ Al-
Qais ibn Buhthah ibn Sulaim” (Abdul
Wahab, 2006; Phillips, R., p. 65).
Thus, the 11th c. Cordoban Ibn Abd
Rabbih wrote that the Banu Sulaym: were represented by “Dhakwan,
Bahz and Buhtha” ( Abd Rabbih, p. 261) (Dhakwan is also written Zakwan or Zaakwan.)
This posting is to show that the Sulaym group just mentioned are
often connected with names that are Arabized forms of the individuals surrounding the biblical
Joseph and his son Jacob in ancient Hebraic stories. They include aside from Assiyya
or Asenath, Potiphar – her father, Joseph's mother Rachel (Jacob’s favorite wife), and brother Benjamin, Bahila
(Rachel’s handmaid who then marries Jacob), the sons of Bahila, or Ghuni,
Sallum, Suham, Jahzi’el, and Jeser or Jezer, the sons of Zilpah daughter of Laban -Gad and Asher, and
Yissachar, the son of Leah (who was Jacob’s wife and Rachel’s younger sister), Manasseh, Ephraim, Levi, Gershon, Arodi son of Gad, Naaman, Rosh and Elon to name but a few of Jacob's "posterity". In other words, "the Israelites".
But, in addition, closely connected with Sulaym are found names of a few Edomite
or Horite tribes or “dukes” mentioned in Genesis 36 – including Zubyan or Zibeon and son Aja/Aia or Ashja’a, Zakwan or Zaavan and Yaakan or Akan, sons of Ezer (Assir). In the Bible they are said to be Hivite and Horite
chiefs, children of Canaan and Edom.
Middle Eastern folk traditions or mythos surrrounding
Moses and Josephus make these people mostly "Amalekite" rulers of a locale called
“Misra”. (Josephus in fact divided the peoples of Edom into Amalekites and "Gebalites".) (Hebbe,
p. 401).
Al-Tabari and Kahb al- Ahbar for example
mentioned that the brother of the king of “Misra” that ruled in the time of
Joseph and drowned in the Red Sea was Qabus,
a descendant of Faran the Amalekite (See Part I) Al Tabari calls him “Qabus b. Mus'ab b. Mu'awiyah b. Numayr b. al-Salwas b. Faran
b. Amr b. Amalek” ( Prophets and Patriarchs, p. 154)
Tabari wrote concerning Qabus and his brother Walid a text translated as
“Moses was born to Amran and his mother was Jochebed, and some say that her name was Anahid. His wife was Zipporah bt. Jethro, who is Shu’ayb the prophet. Moses begat Gershom and Eliezer. He left for Midian out of fear when he was forty-one years old and called people to the religion of Abraham. God appeared to him at Mt. Sinai, when he was eighty years old. The pharaoh of Egypt in his days was Qabus b. Mus’ab b. Mu’awiyah the second master of Joseph. His wife was Asiyah bt. Muzahim b. Ubayd b. al-Rayyan b. Al Walid the first pharaoh of Joseph. When Moses was called he was informed that Qabus b. Mus’ab had died and that his brother, al-Walid b. Mus’ab had taken his place…It was said the al-Walid married Asiyah bt. Muzahim after his brother.” From the Ta'rīkh al-rusul wa'l-mulūk “Prophets and Kings” (Brinner, 1991, pp. 30-31)
Now it is said Walid, brother of Kabus was the ruler who drowned
in the Red Sea. Of Walid it has been written “Walid, the brother of Kabus, is generally
supposed to be that king of Egypt
with whom Moses had to do, and who was drowned in the Red
Sea. Most of the commentators on the Koran tell us this prince was
an Arab of the tribe of Ad, or, as others say, of Amalek, who were also
Arabians, though some pretend he was of Koptic descent (Fielden, J.L.,
1876, p.24-25). What’s more, Tabari and Ibn Kathir wrote when
Joseph was purchased, “the Amalekite” named Al –Rayyan or Riyan son of al-Walid
was in charge of Misr . Tabari also
wrote as follows with regards to Joseph and Potiphar:
“Joseph was sold for twenty dirhams by his brother…As for the man who bought Joseph from Malik b. Da’ar in Egypt and who said to his wife ‘Receive him honorably’, Ibn Abbas reports that his name was Qittin. According to Muhammed b. Sa’d…Ibn Abbas: the name of the one who bought him was Qatafir(Potiphar), and it is said that his name was Itfir b. Rawhib and that he was ruler and in charge of the Egyptian Treasury. At that time the King was al Rayyan b. Al-Walid a man of Amalekite stock…” (Brinner, p. 153).
Walid it is said that he is the first to be called “pharaoh” and he was “of the
tribe of Ad although others say that of Amlak, i.e. an Amalekite” (1747,
p. 117) “Another account gives the full
name of the king and Pharaoh of Egypt at that time as al-Rayyan b. Al-Walid b.
Tharwan b. Arashah b. Qaran b. ‘Amr b. Imlaq b. Lud b. Shem b. Noah” (Brinner, p. 153) Another version says that Daluka ruled
after Walid. She is sometimes said to be
his daughter or a distant relation of his (1747, p. 118).
Daluka, surnamed Al Ajuz, or the Old Woman of the royal blood, succeed the pharoah who drowned in the Red Sea. This queen is said to have been the most expert woman of her time in magic. Shelived a hundred years, and encompassed the city of Mesr with walls…I quote this account for what it is worth. So far, it confirms the statement of other authors, that aboutor in the time of Joseph and the sojourn of the Israelites, Egypt was ruled by Pharaohs or kings of Esau's race, when they threw off the yoke of Jacob (Fielden, p. 25).
Josephus divided the land of Edomites into Amalekites and Gebalites (Hebbe, 1848, p. 401). Although authors sometimes use or translate the name Misra or Kipti as the modern country of "Egypt", in the usage of the early Arab writers these names often refer to Amalekite peoples rather than the country of Egypt they are said to have conquered. After Daluka daughter of "the Amalekite", the ruler who succeeds her is called Darkun, son of Malthus or Baltus (Crosthwaite, 1839, p.234; Sale, 1747, p. 118). This name sounds like another name for an ancient "Himyarite " king Dhu Tarkun.
Then came Thardan king of the Amalekites. one version says that Walid was his son. Thardan was son of Amalek son of Eliphaz son of Esau - "Jacob's twin brother" (Fielden, p. 91). Scholars now consider that this name of Daluka ,daughter of Zabba (also called Zaffan), to be in fact “Zuleika” of other Arab tradition (El Daly, 2005, p. 133). And, this Zabba may be Za'b ibn Malik a tribe of Khufaf mentioned above. He is perhaps Zebah (also spelt Zeeb or Zebab) the biblical Midianite ruler, if not "Zephon" son of Gad son of Zilpah.
Then came Thardan king of the Amalekites. one version says that Walid was his son. Thardan was son of Amalek son of Eliphaz son of Esau - "Jacob's twin brother" (Fielden, p. 91). Scholars now consider that this name of Daluka ,daughter of Zabba (also called Zaffan), to be in fact “Zuleika” of other Arab tradition (El Daly, 2005, p. 133). And, this Zabba may be Za'b ibn Malik a tribe of Khufaf mentioned above. He is perhaps Zebah (also spelt Zeeb or Zebab) the biblical Midianite ruler, if not "Zephon" son of Gad son of Zilpah.
It is very possible then that the name of “Zilpah” is related to "Zuleikha" in the way the name
"Tarikha", wife of Moses is also spelt "Zarifah" (biblical Zipphorah). Zilpah’s
sister is according to Rabbinic sources is Bilha and both “Bilha” and “Rachel” are names closely related to that confederation
of tribes in Hijaz and Central Arabia known as Ghatafan and Banu Sulaym. Otherwise Zuleika also has the same role as Asenath in
the Bible. And most scholars consider her to be Asenath. Zuleika of the Quran
is the seducer of Joseph and wife of Potiphar. Some sources refer to Potiphar’s wife as Ra’il rather than Zuleika. Ra’il, Ra'la or Rahil in English
is "Rachel", who is wife of Jacob. (See Genesis 29)
The genealogy for the tribe of Sulaym is Sulaym. b. Mansur b. 'Ikrima son of Khasafa (Khanam, p. 720). The latter’s
brother was Ghatafan and they were sons of Qays Ailan, “son of Mudar”. Thus writes the author of the recent
compilation The Sealed Nectar, “Of
Qais 'Ailan were the Banu Saleem, Banu Hawazin, and Banu Ghatafan of whom descended 'Abs, Zubyan,
Ashja' and Ghani bin A'sur…” (al-Mubarakpuri, 2002, p. 11).
to the confederation of tribes called Mudar or Muzar another writer notes, “The
two main branches of the north Arabs descend through Mudar and Rabi’a. From the
former, through Qays Aylan, spring Bahila, Hawazin and Ghatafan. Thaqif are descended from Hawazin, and 'Abs and Dhubyan from Ghatafan.” (Meisami and Starkey,
1998, p. 780).
clans of ‘Abs and “Ghutayf” are
mentioned as batun or clans of the Murad tribe of the Maddhij in Yemen
in early Islamic sources as well (Mad’aj, 1988, p. 91).
It is known that the Ghatafan were bedouins
that in early Islamic times that “lived between Medina
and Kheibar, the main Jewish oasis to the north of Medina. The Beni Sulaym
lived to the south of Medina, astride
the main caravan route from Mecca”(Gabriel,
2011, p. 109). However before settling
in Medina they
were a people which included the Ghutayf of the Tayyi who belonged to a
called Murad. Both the Tayyi and the Murad were of the Arabian group
Maddhij (or Maddhig). The southern Arabian genealogical tradition
asserts that the
Bahila, Ghani Bin Asur, Ghutayf and Ghatafan and Abs and Ashja’ of North
Arabia were originally Yemenite tribes of Kahlan belonging
to Banu Maddhij and Azd of Saba.
The 9th c. Ibn Jahiz lists Ghutayf
and Ghatafan together in his Book of
Misers together noting – “the Tayy, Ghutayf and Ghatafan
tribes” summoned “one another to war
with the braying sound of a donkey” - as is still done in Arabia. The commentator
of this book correctly notes that Ghutayf b. Harithah was a clan that was head
of Ghatafan and as “a tribe of Tayyi… in the Mountain of Tayyi
area” ( Sergeant, Book of Misers p. 201
fn. 1001)
The Tayyi were a people of Yemen related
to the Banu Madhhij. The mountains of Tayyi mentioned are located in north
central Arabia. Early in pre-Islamic times the Tayyi had
settled in Iraq so that these Arabs were the people who were most often met with
in Persia during the Sassanid era, and the land of “Tajikistan” is actually
derived from their name as well as the Chinese word “Dashi’ for Arabs (Park, H.
2012, 203).![]() |
Shammar men of the Banu Tayyi Arabs in Arabia. Photo dated 1932 from Bertram Thomas's work, Arabia Felix, Across the Empty Quarter. |
The name of the Shammar is supposed to be
linked to that of the semilegendary figure, King Shammar of Yemen, who
lived in the reign of Kai Kaus or Kabus of Persia thousands of years ago. The
names Shammar, Tayy or Taj and Murad also figure in the legends and folklore of
the ancient world and the allegories surrounding them are based partly on
astronomical mythology.
Tayyi is mentioned as a “son of Maddhij” by Ibn abd Rabbih referencing the 9th century Ibn Kalbi, and by others he is considered a brother (Abd Rabbih, p. 294). In the early Islamic period in Yemen the Ghutayf are designated a “batn” or clan of Murad branch of the Maddhij (Mad’aj, 1988, p. 91.) Rabbih writes “in the clan of Najiya ibn Murad are the Banu Ghutayf ibn Abd Allah ibn Najiya , and it is said they are Azdites”(Rabbih, 2012, p. 294).
Tayyi is mentioned as a “son of Maddhij” by Ibn abd Rabbih referencing the 9th century Ibn Kalbi, and by others he is considered a brother (Abd Rabbih, p. 294). In the early Islamic period in Yemen the Ghutayf are designated a “batn” or clan of Murad branch of the Maddhij (Mad’aj, 1988, p. 91.) Rabbih writes “in the clan of Najiya ibn Murad are the Banu Ghutayf ibn Abd Allah ibn Najiya , and it is said they are Azdites”(Rabbih, 2012, p. 294).
‘Abs and Dhubyan (also written Zubyan or Thibyaan, are named clans of the Murad
and Madhhij in Yemenite early Islamic Yemenite texts (Maddh’aj, p. 91). While
in the north they are considered tribes of Ghatafan from Qays Ailan. Abs a batn of the Murad (Mad’aj, p. 91) belonging to Maddhij were
at one time “the most powerful element” in Ghatafan. (Kennedy, 2005, p. 252).
The Sulaym are well known in Arab texts of
Ibn Athir circa 11th c. and Jahiz (9th c.) as a very
black –skinned population living in the harrat region of Medina.
Like the Sulaym, the Abs are according to Ibn Abd Rabbih the 6th
volume of The Unique Necklace
said to have been described by an eyewitness “black-skinned men shaking their
spears”. And the photos of the Tayyi and
Madhij above speak for themselves.
This name of Ghutayf or Ghatafan may very
well have some connection with the Near East
or Muslim stories of Qittifin, Itfin, Itfir, or “ Kitfir” known in the west as
Potiphar. Notes one interpretor of
Tabari’s book, Prophets and Patriarchs. “The biblical name
Potiphar appears in a variety of forms in Arabic sources, among them Qittin,
Qittifin, Qutifar, Qitfir, Itfir, and Itfin.
See Shorter Encyc., 647, s.v. Yusuf b. Ya’kub.” ( Brinner, W. 1987, p.
153, fn. 362.)
In the Ethiopic version of the story of
Joseph as well apparently, an individual named “Qatifan” is said to be the
adopted parent of Joseph. Tabari says that this individual was also known as
Potiphar whose wife asked of Joseph “an evil act”. In the Torah or western
Bible Joseph is a slave whom Potiphar’s wife attempts to seduce Genesis 39:7-8 reads, "And it came to pass after these things, that his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph; and she said, lie with me, but he refused..."
Richard Burton in his Arabian Knights writes “Kitfir or Itfir (Potiphar)… his wife (Rail or Zulaykha) charged Joseph with attempting her
chastity …” (Burton, 2009, fn. 210; parentheses
are Burton’s). Thus, sometimes the woman in Arab tales is called Ra’il or Rahil, which is the name Rachel, though she is made the mother of Joseph in the biblical version.
to Tabari, Potiphar’s wife was Ra’il, while the name of the man who bought
Joseph was Qittin or “Qatafir (Potiphar), and it
is said that his name was Itfir b. Rawhib.”
(Brinner, p. 154.) Thus though Rachel is Joseph’s mother in the Western
tradition, and Joseph’s seducer in traditions of the Middle
Asenath, Joseph (also called Zaphnath) had two sons Manasseh and Ephraim.
Tabari speaks of Asenath as Asiyya “the Israelite woman”. Names of the closely related group of tribes
Rahil or Ra’la, or Rachel, Qitifan, and Assiyya (who was Asenath) were
undoubtedly brought to Syria
and the Hijaz from the area of the Yemen.
The name Manasseh likely corresponds to the name Mansour father of Soleym,
recorded as Manasseir further south or "Manuchehr" in Iranian. The name Faran was identified as Ephraim his brother by Salibi.
or Sulaym bin Mansur tribe of the Harra was in fact maternally derived from the
Ateek and other Azd in Arab genealogy. Tabari
writes of “the first of the Atikahs of
the tribe of Quraysh who were female ancestors of the Messenger of God”
(Watt, p 27). Thus, the Prophet of Islam always traced his maternal lineage from
women named Ateek of the Sulaym tribe. According to one author the “ Prophet
was wont to say 'I am the son of
the El Awatek from the tribe of Solayem, [Atika, daughter of Hilal, Atika, daughter of Mora and Atika, daughter
of El Awkass from the tribe of Sulaym…]” (El-Saadawi, 2007, p. 189).
In the south among
the Azd descended Dawasir, the tribe appears to be referred to as Suwelayim or
Salaiyim (Lorimer, 1908, p. 394). The first Atikah was said to be the
grandaughter of Nadr bin Kinanah (see part I) and mother of Lua’ay who was
father of the clan of Ka’b bin Lu’ayy.
By the
period of the 9th century BC, it is quite probable Greeks like Homer
knew them as the Solymi of Pisidia and Lycia
and Asphalitis (the Dead Sea) in Israel and Jordan who they relate
to Eastern Ethiopians and whose language they also categorize as a Phoenician
type dialect. Ronald Syme noted “Choerilus
says that they wore helmets of hide, made out of horses’heads. That is the
distinctive badge of the eastern Ethiopian levies in Herodotus (7.70) He adds Homer in Odysseus 5.283 “provides
the link between Solymi and Ethiopians-when Poseidon paused and surveyed the
seas from the vantage-point on the Solyma moyuntains he was returning from
Ethiopian festivities.” (Gonzales, M. 2005, 261-282) (The matter of the
Sulayim and Amluk as Meluchha and Mlecchas and “Ethiopians” of Arabia and Asia is to be discussed in Part III.)
Here we can note however that this Lu’ayy of the Azd was in fact the same name as “Levi” of the Bible and his ancestor El-Yas was the biblical or Hebrew Elias “the Levite”, otherwise known as Elijah. It will be shown how these groups originated as people of the Azd of southern Arabia or Canaanites and moved into the region of Hijaz before entering Syria and the rest of the ancient world.
Here we can note however that this Lu’ayy of the Azd was in fact the same name as “Levi” of the Bible and his ancestor El-Yas was the biblical or Hebrew Elias “the Levite”, otherwise known as Elijah. It will be shown how these groups originated as people of the Azd of southern Arabia or Canaanites and moved into the region of Hijaz before entering Syria and the rest of the ancient world.
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Early depiction by non-Arabs of Elias (El-Yas) "the Priest" |
Part I the relationship of some of ancient
Afro-Arabians with the original Hebraic peoples featured in the Torah or
Bible as
addressed by ancient and Middle Eastern documenters was discussed. It
was noted the early Arabic writings refer
to the south Arabian people of chapter 25 of Genesis the children of
(still known as Bait Kathir), Udad (Yudadas or Dedan), Al-Tawsim
Ashurim, Luqaym/Lakhm (Lehummim), Ghassan (Jokshan), the Afran/Afras
(Afras or
Aphren), and Myda’an or Maadi’an (Midian or Midianites), as a closely
related people
of “Ad” and “Azd” i.e. Amalekite/Melukhha ancestry originating in the
These were at one time the confederation of camel-owning incense traders
of “Qeturah”, which leaving the Yemen had settled in Hijaz and in the
regions of Africa. We are told by Josephus the Jewish Roman
historian that these same people came to settle in “western Ethiopia” or
west in Africa and had conquered the north African coastal regions under
“Herakles” and “Didorus”- who are the folk
ancestors Katam, (Gibb, 1954, p. 540)
Herak, Herik and Daris in the genealogies of the Tuareg and other remnants of the
original “Libyo-Berbers” (MacMichael, 1922,
We have also seen that contrary to what is found in modern or biblical tradition,
such Midianite or Israelite leaders, Moses, Solomon, Barak, Jephunah, Lokman/Baalam
and Amram/Amran (relative of Moses) figure regularly in various early Arabian,
and Middle Eastern texts in general as individuals of the “Imlaq”, “Amluq” or
Amalekites of southern and western Arabia otherwise designated by the names of
A’ad (Adites), Aus (Uz) and Azd. It is
not hard to see that those called in south Arabian folk history the Ufayr b. Luqaym (or Lakhm) and named the
“‘chiefs of the last Ad” in Yemeni or south Arabian folk history (Crosby, 2007,
p. 130) are the same as the Aphren of the Genesis, brother of “Lehumim” both children
of Qeturah and Abraham.
These tribes and clans of the Afro-Arabian peoples
- an extension of Neolithic and Bronze Age peoples of the Nile, east Africa and
Nubia who’d been in Arabia for thousands of years are those who moved north
into Syria, Mesopotamia and Anatolia carrying their names i.e. Soleymi or Solymi
and Masikha or Meshech. These “children
of Noah” who expanded further abroad
are known in the Bible as children of Japhet or Iapetos, also called Jupiter.
But, as a result of the misplaced territories
of the biblical Israelites and Mizraim and/or Misra in western tradition, many modern
archaeologists and other scholars rightfully doubt the historicity of the Torah
or Bible and especially its late interpretations of ancient Egyptian/Israelite relations.
noted in Thomas Cheyne’s 1902, Encyclopedia Biblica, under the heading
Mizraim, “The connection of Solomon,
however, with Egypt
is very disputable; it was probably with the N. Arabian Musri that he was connected by
marriage” (Cheyne, 1902, p. 129).
The 5th
century AD Armenian, St. Moses of Khorene refers to Mizraim as son of Kush, and
it appears that the ancient and modern Arabian confederation of Musra or Musri
(modern Masruh or Musruh) were in fact the most common Misra referred to in the Bible. The names Kipti and Keftiu also
appear to have been related to and originally referred to peoples and places unrelated
to modern Egypt,
which in truth had its own name of Khamit
until a late period. The Qahtan confederation still called Musruh or Masruh,
located in the same region as the ancient Musri even in the 20th
century includes names strikingly similar to those designated children of Misrah
son of Ham in the Bible (to be discussed in Part 3).
tribes and followers of Muzaikiyya that had moved northward are often referred
to as Adnanites or Ishmaelites, but we will see their names are clearly
connected to those of the biblical Israelites as well. It will be shown that these Arabian Masruh comprising
groups of people that came to be known as “the northern Arabs” in contrast to
“the southern Arabs”, are in fact among those designated “the peoples of Judah”
and Israel in the western Bible, but were for the most part originally
“Yemenites” as well.
Here is one small example of what I mean. Tabari
wrote – “it has been said the Banu Ma’n
of the Azd are called the Bahilah” (Blankenship, 1989, p. 11). Now, historically, the Azd-descended Bahila after leaving
the Marib area were known to have pastured their flocks in a region called Sawd or Sud Bahila (Sud or Sawad signifies
black, rich and cultivated soil) where large
quantities of silver and brass were reportedly mined in pre-Islamic times (this is the southern region of the Yemamah mines in the area of the
Nejd in south Central Arabia). This district was or is filled with gold and
silver mines which have been worked from ancient times.
Bahila had come to settle in the part of
Yemama called Irid or Irdh (the same word as biblical Arodh meaning donkey) or Irdh
Shamam. In this area is the town of Hafir
with mines called after the Al-Hufaira tribe. This name is not improbably the same
as the famed Ophir, a locale of the book of Job in the Bible where Solomon mined gold. It
is associated associated with a major center called Juzaila or Djazala in the Ird (Al
Askar, 2002, pp. 49-50). The Bahila are also early on
mentioned with a tribe called Jasr or Jasir
in the Bisha (or Bisah) region in Asir (Khanam, p. 92).
branches of the tribe of Bahila that were well-known in Arab genealogy include the Ghani also translated Ghunay or Ghaniyy living also in the Bisha region, also the Suhm or Sahm (Ibn Abd Rabbih, 2012, vol. 3 p. 269) and Ya’sur or A’sur. Thus one author wrote, “Among the ancient poets is Munabbih A’sur ibn Sa’d the progenitor of
Bahila, Ghani and At-Tufawa” (Howell, 1883,
M. p. 525) According to one encyclopedia
on the Middle East, Bahila was the mother of Malik bin Asur …the brothers that came
to make up the Bahila bin Y’asur or Asur. Bahila, are thus called “ Bahila
b. A'sur, brothers of the Ghani" (R. Khanam 2005 p. 92).
This may be the Munabbih, who were a
sub-tribe of the Yemenite Madhhij from the tribe of Banu Hamdan (Kays, p. 339).
all of this is mentioned because according to the Bible in1 Chronicles 7:13 and
Genesis 46:25 one of Jacob’s concubines is named ‘Bilhah” the niece of Isaac’s
wife “Rebecca” according to Rabbinic
sources. Bilha’s sons were Dan and
Naphtali whose children are mentioned in Numbers 26:48-50, which reads, “The
descendants of Naphtali by their clans
were: through Jahzeel, the Jahzeelite clan; through Guni, the Gunite
clan; through Jezer, the Jezerite clan; through Shillem, the
Shillemite clan.
These were the clans of Naphtali; those numbered were 45,400.” This Jahzeel, Guni and Jezer of Bilha are seemingly
the names of Azd clans of Bahila of the Asir (Bisha region) with her offshoots
of Ghunay/Ghani (Ghuni) and Jasr/Jasir (Jezer), along with Juzaila or Jazila (Jahzi’el/Jahzeel)(Khanam,
p. 92). Abd Ibn Rabbihu also writes “Lakhm begat Jazila”. (p. 296). See below
and Part I on the Azd tribe of Lakhm and Ma’n.
Furthermore, Bahila traditionally has a clan
called Banu Suhm or Sahm, whose genealogy is Suhm b. Amr b. Thalabah B. b.
Ghanm b. Qutayba b. Ma’n b. Malik b. Asur (Landau- Tasseron, 1998, p. 84). Ibn
Abd Rabbih thus wrote that the clan of “Sahm was in Bahila” (Rabbih, 2012, p.
269). Thus it is not coincidence that in
the Bible book of Numbers 26:42 says of Bahila’s son Dan - “These were the descendants of Dan by their
clans: through Suham, the Suhamite clan. These were the clans of Dan: All of
them were Suhamite clans; and those numbered were 64,400.
According to an early Arab source, "originally Bahila was the name of a woman of Hamdan who was [married] to Ma'an".
According to an early Arab source, "originally Bahila was the name of a woman of Hamdan who was [married] to Ma'an".
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The Habbaniyya or Habban of Hadramaut claim they are of the clan of Dan children of "Bilha". Not surprisingly, Arab sources make them a clan of "Bahila" as well. |
The tribe of Dan from which the Arabian Habbani claim descent according to the book of Judges of the Bible lived between the region of Zorah and Eshtaol which Salibi identified with the modern al-Zarah and al-Ishta in the Zahran region of the Asir, former homeland of the Zahran tribe of the Azd (Zahran is the name of a Dawasir clan and tribal ancestor) (Salibi, 1985, p. 162). The book of Judges 18:8 reads, “When they returned to Zorah and Eshtaol, their fellow Danites asked them, ‘How did you find things?’" (New International Bible, 2011 translation). Thus, names of the Azd tribe of Ma’n bin Malik bin Ya’sur are seemingly related to the names of the ancient Israelite homelands. Bilha of the biblical land of Israel is unquestionably the Bahila of the highlands Asir Tihama and south Ird in Central Arabia.
surprisingly the site of the ancient Israelite Eshtaol has yet to be decided upon by modern scholars. The modern
town called Eshtaol in Israel
was only founded in 1949. Says one recent specialist, “The location of biblical
Eshtaol has been greatly disputed over the years. Scholars have agreed on a
general location for the city, but not on the actual site” (Chestnut, 2008, p.
3) This name of Dan corresponds to that of the Azd or Dawasir tribe Duwaniyyah
or Dhuwayyin and Dandan in the Asir region both being probably plural for Dan as suggested by Salibi.
Though difficult to believe it is fascinating
to discover that in fact the Azd of the region of Asir, the Yemen and south
Central Arabia were the people that appear to have figured in the early Hebrew
texts as “children of Israel” or “Yisra’el” through various concubines of Jacob.
It will be shown that the Bahilah clans that were kinsmen to Banu Ma’n bin Malik b. Y’asur, originated
from the Ma’an, i.e. Minaeans or Me’unim who had also lived in both Yemen and
Hadramaut and traded with the Phoenician town of Tyre (Sur - which Salibi
identifies as a town in the Yemen, not Lebanon). In
fact a town of Faniqa - probably named for the latter population -
still lies in the Wadi Bisha region not far from the Eritrean Sea
where Herodotus claimed the Phoenicians originated (Salibi, 2007, p. 159). The name of this town can obviously
be related to that of the Fenkhu - the ancient Egyptian word for “Phoenician”..
The earliest mention of the Ma’an or Ma’n of the Azd is in the western region of Hadramaut (south central part of al-Yaman or theYemen), and they appear to be called Ma’onites or Me’unim in the Bible. And, they are the historical Ma’in or Minaeans of modern archaeologists. By the 4th century, inscriptions mention Minaean caravans at Dedan in the northern region of the Hijaz (Negev and Gibson, 2001, p. 137). From inscriptions it is also known that they worshipped a deity known Yasurbaal or Yasrabel which some believe to be “Baal Sur” of the Canaanites of Tyre (or Sur). Baal Sur was called Melkarth (a name to which is related that of the hero “Heracles”).
The earliest mention of the Ma’an or Ma’n of the Azd is in the western region of Hadramaut (south central part of al-Yaman or theYemen), and they appear to be called Ma’onites or Me’unim in the Bible. And, they are the historical Ma’in or Minaeans of modern archaeologists. By the 4th century, inscriptions mention Minaean caravans at Dedan in the northern region of the Hijaz (Negev and Gibson, 2001, p. 137). From inscriptions it is also known that they worshipped a deity known Yasurbaal or Yasrabel which some believe to be “Baal Sur” of the Canaanites of Tyre (or Sur). Baal Sur was called Melkarth (a name to which is related that of the hero “Heracles”).
Scholars don’t look at the Mineans as the
Phoenicians and are not clear on when the Minaean culture originated. “Having some time ago discarded the old
chronological scheme supported by Glaser and partly based on Arabic sources,
according to which the origin of the Minaean Kingdom dated back to the
beginning to the second millennium B.C. scholars have been trying to clarify
the chronology of the South Arabian Kingdoms, on the additional basis of the
data obtained from excavations …”
(Costa, 1978,pp. 11-12)
Most interestingly it had been noticed by some that the name of Levi and
the Levites - who were the Israelite priests - is found in Minean inscriptions (Cohu,
John R., p. 18, fn. ) Bible dictionaries also make the name “Meunim”,
that of
“ a Levite”; and “head of a group of temple servants in
Ezra's time.” The author of Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions, the
Dominican priest Roland de Vaux, mentioned the association of the Minaeans with
the Levitic traditions of the Israelites, but dismissed in a round-about way
the Minean connection to the origins of this priestly caste.
Vaux wrote “some writers have concluded that the Israelites adopted the
institution of Levites from those early Arabs with whom they had been in
contact at Sinai.” But he argued the
words lw and lw’t were found only in Minaean inscriptions from Northern
Arabia, at Dedan, and never in those from the South, nor in any
other South Arabian dialect. And thus he proposed that the Minaeans may have
borrowed the word from a colony of Babylonians installed in Dedan where there
were also presumably Jews (de Vaux, 1997, p. 369) and then he suggests theformer
“modified the sense of the term and gave it a feminine which did not exist in
Lawy or Lowi is often found in medieval Arab genealogies as the name Lu’ayy. Tabari claimed that one
tradition was that the mother of Lu’ayy, Atikah, was from the tribe of Kinanah and
a descendant of an individual named Luhay. One tradition says she was called “Salma”
granddaughter of Luhay who was a great grandson of Amr Muzaikiyya (Moses) grandson
of Khuza’a. Thus an encyclopaedia
reference regarding the Khuza’a clan of the Azd reads.
KHUZA b. Amr, name of a South-Arabian tribe, a branch
of the large tribe of Azd. The genealogists with few exceptions are unanimous
in tracing their pedigree through ‘Amr, surnamed Luhay b. Rabi’a b. Haritha b. Muzaikiya and
they agree further that they, together with the other branches of the Azd, left
South Arabia at a remote time and wandered with them to the North. When they
reached the territory of Mekka, most of their kinsmen continued their journey,
the Ghassan to Syria, Azd Sanua to Oman, but Luhay remained with his clan near
Mekka” (Krenkow, 2013).
These children of Luhay from the tribe of Khuza
or Khaza’a came to be called Laheyan or “Lihyanites”, a people historically
affiliated with the Minaeans. Retso notes “Dedan was taken over by a new
tribe or dynasty, Lihyan. We also find the presence of another new entity
there, namely the Minaeans who came from South Arabia and set up a colony in
Dedan obviously in cooperation with Lihyan.” According to one source however, “The Lihyanite dialect not only
resembles the Minaean dialect of the South Arabians, but appears to have been derived from it”
(Agwan and Singh, 2006, p. 714).
of these Lihyanites
are in fact called Lahiyan today, a large clan of the Banu Hudhail b.
(also written Hudhal, Huthayl or Hatheyl) still dwelling not far from
Mecca - a kind of “tropical Arabs” with "shining", "black" skins according to Charles Doughty. “A nomad family
met us (of Hatheyl or Koreysh) removing upward: they were slight bodies and
blackish, a kind of tropical Arabs …” (Doughty, 1888, p. 528 and 535).
name of “Luhay” appears in ancient Sabaean inscriptions (Schiettecatte, 2012,
p. 50). And for good reason - the name is thought to be Lehi of the Bible.
The 9th century historian Asma'i summarized the settling of the Lakhmids of the Azd in the early Christian era.
"The Lihyanites were originally named the Dedanites after the Grandson of Abraham; however, they changed their name to the People of Lihy around 550BC, shortly after Lehi and his family would have been traveling down the Frankincense Trail.”Hudhayl was the uncle of Kinanah b. Khuzaimah according to Arab tradition. Hudhayl’s brother is Khuzaimah bin Mudrika. In fact, Arab genealogists make Khuza’a - ancestor of Luhay - and the Lakhmids, Ghassan and Ma’n all one people who left with others from Marib - their ancestors being the followers of a “Muzaikiyya” once subject to the Himyarite chiefs (in that time the A’ad or Amalekites/Midianites) there in Yemen and Marib (Meribah –Exodus 17). The tribes of Kinanah and Luhayan or Lahiyan who moved north capturing various sites from earlier owners are maternal descendants of Azd and Himyarite women named Atika, Kaylah and Salma.
The 9th century historian Asma'i summarized the settling of the Lakhmids of the Azd in the early Christian era.
“‘They (the southern Arabs) did not enter a land without robbing its people of it. Khuza’a wrested Mecca from Jurhum; Aws and Khazraj wrested Medina from the Jews; the clan of Mundhir seized Iraq from its people; the clan of Jafna seized Syria from its people and ruled it; and the progeny of ‘Imran ibn ‘Amr ibn ‘Amir [of al-As/zd] seized Oman from its people. Up till then all of these (southern tribes) had been in obedience to the kings of Himyar.’”(Cotton, H., 2009, p. 388) The parentheses here are the author's.
This Asma’i, a historian from the tribe
of Bahilah, likely knew that the Lakhmids and Khuza’a were branches of
Ghassan also known as “the house of Jafnah” (Jephuneh). In fact the Jews of Medina and Khaibar were
descendants of the Judham who were closely related to the Lakhm and Ma’n tribes
of Azd (Gil, p. 19).
Just previous to the birth of the Muslim
Prophet in the 7th century, Banu Judham (or Gudham) were found north
of the Hijaz in Palestine.
Moshe Gil in his text, A History of Palestine,
634-1099, talks about the tribe of Judham belonging to the Lakhm tribe in
the Islamic period there:
“Lakhm, as the Judham was to be found on the Palestinian border before the advent of Islam…The Banu Lakhm, whose major strength was centred in the region of the northern Euphrates, but who also had branches within Palestinian territory… According to tribal genealogical records, Lakhm were the brothers of Judham. From the Arab sources, we get the impression that these tribes, allies of the Byzantines on the eve of the Islamic conquests, roved about the Palestinian border lands and concentrated in Arabia, that is Provincia Arabia,…” (p. 19).
And in a footnote 10 on the same page Gil
adds, “According to certain Arab sources, the Banu Nadir and the Banu
Qurayza, the major Jewish tribes in Medina, Khaibar and Hijaz, were considered descendants
of the Banu Judham” (Gil, p. 19, fn. 10). What’s more, the Banu Nadir and Qurayza of
Hijaz were considered Kahanim or Jewish priests (Stillman, p. 9; Zeitlin, 2007,
Chapter 5 ) As we see in the paragraph below the Banu Judham in turn were the
"The principal tribe occupying the desert area south of Palestine was that of the Banu Judham. According to Arab sources, their land was called Madyan…Antoninus Placentinus of Piacenza, Italy) who visited the region in ca. 570, mentions Arabs whom he calls Midianites, encountered in Eilat en route to Sinai... According to him they claimed descent from Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law, as it is also said, in Arab traditions of the Banu Judham, that they were the kinsfolk of Shu’ayb, whom some sources identify with Jethro. An important branch of this tribe were the Banu Wa’il… a certain part of which was inclined towards Judaism, as were other clans of the Banu Judham.” ( p. 18)
Gil also notes that the Baghdad born al-Masudi
(9th century) said of the Nadir (Jews of Medina) that they were
offspring of Judham, and that the
Qurayza claimed priestly descent from Shu’aib, in particular prophet of Madyan
(Midian) in particular who was of the Banu Judham (Azd) people (Gil, 2004, p.
11) But as mentioned in Part I one Arab
tradition makes Shu’ayb fourth in descent from Madyan. (Madyan was
not just the name of a tribe, but a city near a town called Ma’an according to Tafsir of Ibn Kathir)
Some sources in fact mention Judham as
offspring of A’sar, or Ya’fur son of Madyan b. Ibrahim (Gil, 2004, p. 14, fn.
12), which is said to be the origin of Shu’ayb. Gil in fact speaks of many of
the traditions connecting the Judham and Shu’ayb, but nevertheless manages, as
do most scholars on ancient Israel,
to avoid noting the most uniform or consistently expounded tradition concerning
their origins. Shuayb and the Midianites, Judham, Jafnah (Jephuneh), Ghassan
and related tribes are all people said to have come from the dispersal of the Azd
confederation of the Yemen.
The ancient Azd-related Judham, Ghassan, Jazila, Bahila and Lakhm and descendants in Hijaz
and Africa and elsewhere obviously didn’t know that 3,000 years after their dam
in Marib broke in Sana’a foreign peoples in the northwest and northeast would adopt
their genealogies and make them into “Mesopotamians” stretching unto Turkey, before
finally accusing true peoples of “Shem”, “Ham” and “Japhet” of adopting “the
religion of Abraham”.
The genealogy
of Arab writers frequently makes mention of the tribe of Banu Yashkur as a branch of the Azd
tribe of Jazila ibn Lakhm. Abd Rabbih
writes, “In Jazila ibn Lakhm, there are many clans. Of them are Irash, Hujr, Yashkur … Ghanim and Jadis
a large clan”. As Salibi and others have pointed out, the
name of Yashkur is actually the name Yissakhar or “Issachar” of the Bible – and not
surprisingly, another name of one of the children of Israel (Jacob/Ya’qub was father of
MacMichael’s, History of the Arabs in the Sudan reads “The rule of Lakhm at Hira ended with the rise of Islam. At the conquest of Egypt the Yashkur section of the tribe established themselves upon the hill called after them…” (MacMichael, pp. 140 – 141). Another source says, “The Banū al-Hārith ibn-Yashkur ibn-Mubashshir of the Azd had an idol called Dū Sharā” Hisham al-Kalbi. (Kitab al-Asnām). Healey ,2001, 106).
MacMichael’s, History of the Arabs in the Sudan reads “The rule of Lakhm at Hira ended with the rise of Islam. At the conquest of Egypt the Yashkur section of the tribe established themselves upon the hill called after them…” (MacMichael, pp. 140 – 141). Another source says, “The Banū al-Hārith ibn-Yashkur ibn-Mubashshir of the Azd had an idol called Dū Sharā” Hisham al-Kalbi. (Kitab al-Asnām). Healey ,2001, 106).
In Part I we saw how Jadis, Al-Tawsim and Lakhim are connected in Arab
genealogy, and that they are identified as ancestral Amalekites or al-Amluq,
Letusim, and Lehumim. The Ghanm mentioned by abd Rabbih above appear to
be the Ghanim of the Azd whose descendants the Ghanm or Ghunnam still live
today in Wadi Liyyah (Leah) in the Asir Tihamah next to the Wadi Ta’Ashar.
immediately after mentioning the clan of Yashkur ibn Jazilah ibn
Lakhm and Jadis. Ibn
Abd Rabbih mentions something else. He notes that the clan of "Jadas" bin Jazila
bin Lakhm were among those clans and one of their tribal members brought Joseph
out of the well. If the clan of Yashkur is Issachar, son of Jacob and Leah, is
this clan of “Jadas” not also that of "Gad" another of Jacob’s sons.
The Torah/Bible
says, “The sons of Zilpah, Leah's
servant, were Gad and Asher” Genesis 35:26. It
is not that much of a mental jump to see that Jadas is perhaps “Gad”. Gad's 6thson in Numbers 23:17 is incidentally named Arodh whose name is also mentioned above. At the same time the tribe of Asher and Gad may very possibly be the Ash'ar and their clan of "Judda" mentioned by Ibn Abd Rabih and others (Ibn Abd Rabbih, 2012, p. 295)..
One Arab genealogy says Yashkur was the son of Rahm (or Ruhm) son of b. Basr b. Uqba, in other words a great
grandson or descendant of a man named “Uqba”. The name Uqba like Jacob means "heel". This genealogy is thus likely reference
to the Banu Uqba of the modern region of Midian (Madyan of northern Hijaz)
mentioned by Orientalist historian Richard Francis Burton who writes in his
book Land of Midian, that Al Kalkashendi in the fifteenth century makes the Uqba tribe descendants
of the Gudham (Judham) of the Kahtaniyyah (Qahtan) of the Yemen. (From the looks of things one should be wondering about the etymological roots of this interesting name of "Judham" as well. After all, This is after all a tribe of Yehud (Jews)of "Kahanim" (priestly) stock who were living in a land called Musra (Misra) and traditionally living amongst and descended from Mady'an (Midian) : )
The name of Wady Madian was called Wadi
Makn’a or Makkan (Magan), an area mentioned by the Assyrians by the 8th
c. B.C. near a people and region otherwise called Melukha or Misra (Musri). The
region of Makkan/Magan was also called Kush in Assyrian texts, and we have
already identified Kush as derived from the
name of Banu Gassan or Kassan. (See Part I and previous posts).
Land of
Midian, Richard
Burton also identified the Uqba with remnant Midianites. He wrote:
the Beni ‘Ukbah, as will be seen, once occupied the whole of Midian Proper, and extended through south Midian as far as the Wady Damah…According to our friend Furayj, the name means “Sons of the Heel” (‘Akab)…at first called “El-Musalimah,” they were lords of all the broad lands extending southward between Shamah to the Wady Damah, below the port of Ziba Al Hamdany stated Uqbah was the son of Moghrabi son of Heram (Burton, p. 260).
This "Heram" is mentioned by the Arab authors as
a tribe to which Ghatafan was related. As
ibn Abd Rabbih notes “in Haram ibn Judham are the Bani Ghatafan and Afsa…” (Abd Rabbih, 2012, p. 296).
Thus, if we are to follow
the Arab genealogists the Ma’an, Magan and Gassan, Bani Nadir, or Judham,
Uqbah, and Liyhan, Khuza’a, Aus and Khazraj were in fact the earliest
Israelites, or followers of Moses and the Midianites. The speculation that
Minaeans adopted the priestly Levitical traditions from suspected Jews
returning from Babylon
is unnecessary with the realization of the Arabian tradition that the original Jewish
priests of Midian WERE, IN FACT, the historical Minaeans. The Azd clans of Ma’an,
Judham, Lakhmids, or “Midianites”, were brothers to the Banu Gassan (Jokshan) Aus
(Uz), Khazraj (Jazar/Gezer), and other Yemenite populations. From them thus came the “Israelite” clans and
tribes of Banu Yashkur (Issachar), Banu Bahila (Bilha), Banu Ghani (Ghuni son
of Bilha and Naphtali), Jasir (Jezer son of Bilha) and Banu Jazila bin Lakhm of
Abd Rabbih (Jahzeel son of Bilha) who are Issachar, Bilha, Ghuni, son of
Naphtali and Bilha, Jezer and Jazilah sons of Bilhah and Naphtali, Gad, and son
It was in fact the
great grandson of this Jazila bin Lakhm who according to Ibn abd Rabbih “
brought out Yusuf ibn Ya’qub, God’s blessings and peace be upon him from the
well” (Rabbih, 2012, p. 296). Or, as the first book of the Torah/Bible
says of Jacob’s (Israel’s)
son Joseph, “Now some Midianite merchants were passing, and they
pulled Joseph out of the well.” (Genesis 37:28.)
can only conclude that all the above named were in fact at one time at least according to Arab
tradition of the same African affiliated Arab people as now inhabitat parts of
the Hadramaut, Central Arabia and Yemenite/Tihama region – the people who once
dominated the peninsula. Not only were they the early Levitical peoples, but
they were unquestionably the first fishermen who first brought the religion now
known as Christianity to Syria,
and then Islam to the Middle East.
Having an understanding of the Azd or Asir and
Sabaean roots of these people i.e. the Canaanites and Israelites we can thus better comprehend such assertions
in the Hebrew texts that make the Meunim or Minaean tribes of Hadramaut and Yemen a people living
next door to such people as the Moabites,
Ammonites, Philistines and Israelites.
A Last
Word on the Enigmatic Minaeans, i.e. MIDIANITES
origins of the Minaeans have baffled scholars due to the fact that they are
known from texts and archaelogy as a people based in southern Arabia
and yet are consistently mentioned in league with Canaanite peoples and their
affiliates. We find the following passages about them in the Bible
“And the Zidonians, and Amalek, and Meunim have oppressed you, and ye
cry unto Me, and I delivered you from their hands” Judges 10
:12. In the Septuagint version of the Bible, the Meunites or Maonites are simply
referred to as “the Midianites”. Confirming again that kinship of the Ma’an
with Lakhm and Gassan who we have already identified in Part I as the “Ethiopic”
peoples or Lehumim and Jokshan brothers of
of Midian and Asshur, dwellers of Asir Tihama and Marib in the Yemen.
In the biblical book 2
Chronicles 20:1 "After this the Moabites and Ammonites, and with them some of the Meunites, came against Jehoshaphat for battle."
Chronicles 4 a man named Naaman is an Israelite king of Aram. He is said to be of the family of Benjamin. He
is said to be the son Benjamin or of Benjamin’s son Bela, and head of the
family of the Naamites or Naamathites and friend of Job of the land of Uz.
The Septuagint in Job 2:11 renders a Zophar the Naamathite, as “king of the Minaeans”.
At the time of
Uzziah king of Judah,
the Minaeans are in fact alliance with the Philistines. One of the places of
these Me’unim, Gur Baal, is named right after the Gerar of the Philistines
which Salibi identified with Qararah in Yemen. They are the people
destroyed by the posterity of Simeon 1 Chronicles 4:41: “These were the names of some of the leaders
of Simeon’s wealthy clans. Their families grew, and they traveled to the region
of Gerar, during the reign of King Hezekiah of Judah, these leaders of Simeon
invaded the region and completely destroyed the homes of the descendants of Ham
and of the Meunites. No trace of them remains today.”
Simcox writes that the Minaeans are the people
of Gur Baal next to the Philistines saying “the Mehunims also read Meunites, are
bracketed with the Arabians of Gur baal (Petra?)
and the Philistines of Uzziah.” (Gur Baal of the Minaeans as we have shown was
not in modern Petra).
Meanwhile the Targum uses the word “Edomites”
for the Me’unites in 2 Chronicles 20:1. Sometimes especially in the Septuagint version of the Bible the name
Meunim is replaced by Ammonite and in fact at other times simply as the people
of Ham. (Simcox, 1897, p. 499) Thus we know they lived near the Philistines and
other “children of Ham”.
Now in Arabian tradition the famous king named
Numan of the Yemenite region of Zuphar is said to have lived before the time of
Lokman a descendant of Ad who in legend is associated with the dam at Ma’rib,
sometimes said to be its builder. (In Part I of this blog Lokman was identified
as Bil’am or Balaam). Al -Numan al’Ma’afir is by tradition the son of Yafar or Yafir son
of Sacsac son of Wathil or Wa’il son of Himyar, a chief of the Sabaeans who
lived near the time of the Himyarite (Sabaean) chief Dhu’l Ra’ish or Riyash (Crosby,
p. 29; Miles, p. 7)
Legend has it that the town of Zuphar (from
Dthawi or Dhu Far) was founded by Shammar Harish sometimes called “son of
Alamluk” (or son of the Amalekite), a descendant of Yafar who lived as we have
seen a few thousands of years ago. Al Maqadisi or Muqadassi of the 10th
century lists the names of the districts Al Umluk (Amluk), Mazra and Dhu Makharim next to each other in the Yemen
(Collins, 2001, p. 79).
The matter of the Meunim or
“Maonites” (who we have seen were Lakhm and Judham) settled in Judaea in the
period of the exile has proven disconcerting since the south Arabian Minaeans
would have had to have been in the region of Jordan and Syria in the time of
early Israel. Scholars admit the Meunites or Maonites of “1 Chronicles 4:41 and 20:7 are identical
with the south Arabian Minaeans”, but then question where the Gur Baal
mentioned was (Retso, pp. 141-142). Interestingly according to Burckhardt in
Hijaz - “The Bedouins give the name of El
Ghor, or the low-land, to the whole province westward of the mountains from
Mekka up to Beder and Yembo” (Burkhardt 1826/2009, p. xiii). Most of the bedouin of el Ghor are Harb who are connected to the populations of Hijaz who came in the early Muslim conquests. They are also of Beliyy/Balawne and Maddhij (Zubayd) extraction who started emigrating in the Nabataean area northward from Arabia.
The three photos below of peoples of the Ghor a region extending from near the Mecca region to near the Dead Sea were added on July 23, 2018 because unfortunately I didn't know that these populations still existed.
But even more interestingly up until the 11th century the land of Hadramaut in its entirety was supposedly still in the hands of Banu’ Ma’n, and a small group of them still live in a town called Al-Ghur in the Rizah region of Yemen.
The three photos below of peoples of the Ghor a region extending from near the Mecca region to near the Dead Sea were added on July 23, 2018 because unfortunately I didn't know that these populations still existed.
![]() |
Woman of Ghor Feifa. Famous regions of the Ghor (the Jordan Valley) include Ariha (Jericho), Baisan (Bayt Shean), the Yarmouk river basin and the Golan Heights to name a few. |
But even more interestingly up until the 11th century the land of Hadramaut in its entirety was supposedly still in the hands of Banu’ Ma’n, and a small group of them still live in a town called Al-Ghur in the Rizah region of Yemen.
The Harper
Collins Bible Dictionary summarizes the challenge posed to Biblical
“The Meunim are referred to in 1 Chron. 4:41; Ezra 2:50; and Neh. 7:52. The same people (apparently) are referred to as the Meunites in 2 Chron. 20:1; 26:7. Both Meunim and Meunites are sometimes identified with the people known elsewhere in history as Minaeans, who occupied the region of Main in modern North Yemen….The Meunim of 1 Chron. 4:41 and the Meunites of 2 Chron. 26:7 are explicityly identified as Minaeans in the Greek LXX translation of the Bible, as are the Ammonites in 2 Chron. 20:1 and 26:8 and Zophar in Job 2:11. Such identifications are problematic, however, and may have resulted from the substitution of a more familiar name for a less familiar one. In Ezra 2:50 (cf. Neh. 7:52), the Meunim are temple servants.”
Edith Simcox speculated that the writers of the
Bible confused the time period in which the Minaeans lived noting that there
were no mention of them in Assyrian inscriptions. She wrote in her Primitive
“Another negative argument is supplied by the
silence of the genealogical table in the tenth chapter of Genesis, where Saba
is, and Ma’in is not mentioned, so that the latter was presumably not known in
Palestine, either when the passage was first written or when the book was last
But the truth
is neither Sabaeans nor Minaeans are mentioned by the Assyrians in Palestine as these Meunim were known historically by names
like Magan and Kush in Assyrian times. They
are Khaza’a or Khuza’a who had branched off with Aus and Khazras from the Azd confederation,
like Ghassan (Jokshan/Kushan), like Lakhm (Lehummim) and Judham. They are thus probably mentioned under the
name Hazu off southwest Arabia which has been
identified as the biblical Hazo, brother
of Uz (Ephal, 1982, p. 133; Goodspeed, 1902, p. 295) and listed in Assyrian
inscriptions with Dedan during the time of the Assyrian ruler, Esarhaddon.
Salibi identifies the locale with Hazati of the Amarna letters and the Hazaataa
of the topographical list of Sargon II of Assyria
(Salibi, p. 72 and 74).
Another brother of Uz and Hazo is Bethuel
or Betawil in Arabic who bore Tebah, Gaham and Tahash or Thahash and Maacah through
a concubine. "Dahash" is another Dawasir tribe still living in the Nejd (Lorimer, p. 394).
Still another brother of Uz (Aus) and Hazo (Khaza'a) is Kemuel. One finds Tabari referencing the Kemuel or Qamwal of Genesis as one who “lived in the time of Suleiman ibn Dawud” (King Solomon, son of David). And a closer look at traditional Islamic genealogies of the Prophet’s lineage shows that he is in fact Qama’ah mentioned with Tabikhah as “full-blooded” brothers of Kinanah’s grandfather of Mudrikah.
Still another brother of Uz (Aus) and Hazo (Khaza'a) is Kemuel. One finds Tabari referencing the Kemuel or Qamwal of Genesis as one who “lived in the time of Suleiman ibn Dawud” (King Solomon, son of David). And a closer look at traditional Islamic genealogies of the Prophet’s lineage shows that he is in fact Qama’ah mentioned with Tabikhah as “full-blooded” brothers of Kinanah’s grandfather of Mudrikah.
Tabari wrote of
Nadr bin Kinana that al-Nadr’s mother is said to be from the tribe of Tabikha.
In the same book he mentions the Hebraic genealogy stating that the name of
Tahba or Tabakh was Tahab (for the biblical Tebah above) and he writes Gaham or
Jaham as Jahma. Tabikha and Banu Juhma or Jumah are two historically documented clans of the Kinana (of Hijaz and Asir) who
are clans among the Dawasir as much as they are a part of the Qays Ailan.
Tabari states that
Maacah was Ma’jalah in Arabic and the latter is today the name of a village in Yemen. He says that
Tahab b. Jahma was the son of “Mahsha” whom he says was "Tahash". But these names are too similar or even identical to
the names of the Dawasir and sub-tribes of Kinanah, Qama’ah, Juhma and Dahash
to be coincidental. Even today the Dawasir in the Wadi Dawasir region of Nejd live
next to the people known both as Tebah and 'Uteibah" though they are also
traditional enemies (Kupershoek, p. 59) Ibn Abd Rabbih links them closely to the Jodham saying "of the Beni Hishm ibn Jodham are the Benu Utayb ibn 'Aslam ibn Khalid ibn Shanu'a ibn Tadil ibn Hishm ibn Judham" (Rabbih, p. 296). (Al-Qahma’a is apparently also a name
of a tribe among the modern Mahra another people said to have branched off from
Hamdan of Kahlan at a very early period and fled to the east.)
Uteibah or Tebah are
considered part of the Hawazin from Qays Ailan in most of the genealogies. James
Hamilton wrote about them a century ago, “they wore their hair in long curly
plaits” and their skin was “a dark brown”(Bentley, R., 1857, pp. 129-130).
Published 6/29/2013 6:29 PM
See Part 3 of CANAANITES IN THEIR LANDS for the bibliography
Below: Some of the Afro-Arabian tribes originally from southwest Arabia designated as "Joseph's Posterity" in the Book of Jasher (Yasher) as they are known historically and today.
Leah (Liyyah), Reuben (Rubanniyya), Levi (Lu'ayy), Issachar (Ushayqir/Ishkaran), Rachel (Rakhala Rahil), Benjamin (Yam), Zilpah (Zilfi), Gad (Judda), Haggi (Hijji), Asher (Ash'ar), Bilha (Bahila), Zohar (Zahran), Gershom (Jursham), Perez (Faras or Farasan), Elon (Ailan), Chamul (Hawamil), Sered (Surayda), Dan (Dhanawiyyen?), Jahzeel ( Jazila), Guni (Ghani/Ghunay), Jezer (Jasir), Shellam (Salim), Zephon (Zaffan), Serach (Shuraykha/Shuraikah), Bela (Bela/ Beli), Naaman (Numan), Rosh (Ra'ish)
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